Proformance Coaching & Consulting

ProFormance Coaching & Consulting

Similar to the world of athletics, companies and business executives frequently face many of the same pressures that sports organizations and professional and amateur athletes face; namely, how to recruit and retain top performers and how to maximize both individual and organizational performance. Also, as in the sports world, the level of mental skills is often the deciding factor in reaching optimal performance and achieving goals.

ProFormance Consulting, a division of ProFormance provides corporations and business executives comprehensive and individual services to help build stronger, more effective organizations and teams and to develop more effective leadership skills and achieve overall peak performance.

  • Organizational Consulting: “People are our greatest assets”. This belief is held by most corporations. Through cultural and individual assessments, ProFormance Consulting provides relevant information to companies in order to pinpoint where appropriate services would be most cost-effective. Services may include: executive coaching, team building, leadership development, cultural audits, conflict/stress management training and strategic planning. We are serious about developing your “greatest assets.”

  • Executive Coaching: More and more companies use executive coaching as part of their business plan because it is recognized as a highly effective and cost-effective way to develop its greatest assets - the individual. Companies offer personal, one-on-one coaching for many reasons. The most salient reason is to enhance and sharpen the leadership skills of high-potential employees who otherwise would not perform at their optimal level. Additionally, companies use the services of an executive coach to enhance the management skills in their employees, assist newly promoted managers, decrease behaviors that can de-rail employees and develop management and leadership skills in technically-oriented employees. Success of an individual coaching program can be experienced throughout the company. In fact, studies show that coaching can boost productivity and help solidify leadership competencies by 88%. (Olivero, Bane, & Kopeirnan, 1997).

  • Development of Emotional Intelligence: The business mantra of the past was “when you come to work, leave your emotions at the door.” Today, that belief is considered outdated and it is clearly impossible to achieve. Cognitive abilities and talents are certainly important but how well a person can access and use their emotional abilities in relation to others is also important. How well an executive manages his/her emotions and how well s/he manages other people often determines how successful s/he will be, something which is vital to a company’s success. This is defined as emotional intelligence. There are several competencies associated with being emotionally intelligent. Among them are: being empathic, demonstrating emotional self-awareness, maintaining self-control, managing conflict in a constructive manner, fostering teamwork and being a change catalyst. This may seem to be a tall order, but the good news is these competencies can be developed through coaching.

  • Team Building: Teams are generally more productive than individuals working alone. Sharing ideas, collaborating on a project or brainstorming in order to find a better solution to a problem, all require a set of skills different from those of the solo practitioner. Building a “high performing team” requires members of the team to have trust in their fellow team members, be able to manage conflict and seek solutions to problems, make a commitment to decisions arrived at by the team and hold each other accountable for the end results. Effective teams can be built, improved and managed via coaching services.

  • Managerial Development: Management is all about the control and regulation of the company’s resources. The manager is tasked with making sure that all the groups/team’s resources, including the people, get the job done. Leaders can often be managers, but some managers forget to be leaders by not minding the wellbeing and development of their people. The key to management vs. leadership is being aware of the more abstract elements of leading people.

  • Conflict Management Training: Many people shudder when they hear the word conflict. ProFormance Consulting helps employees and management develop a better understanding of what conflict is and how to deal with it. By re-defining conflict from a place of negativity to one where it is seen as a major player in our lives, conflict management can actually work for us instead of against us. There are many skill-building courses, but without a change in our perception of how conflict can be useful, these courses fall very short of their intended purpose. ProFormance Consulting is equipped to address conflict as a change agent and help companies address all areas of conflict.

  • Time Management: Time management training has evolved over the years to being less about how to manage your time to more of how to manage your self. By paying attention to our personal vision, our mission and our core values, we are better able to plan more effectively, better manage others requests of us, and minimize the “time waster.” With this understanding, ProFormance Consulting utilizes self-discovery combined with skill building to help employees be more productive as well as more effective in their work and meeting their goals.

  • Stress Management: Using the “Bio-Psycho-Social” Model of stress management developed by Dr. Neff, employees learn specific skills by which to reduce their stress. They learn about: internal locus of control, changing belief systems, relaxation techniques, assertiveness skills, and the effects of diet and exercise on stress levels. Organizational factors which influence employee stress are also addressed.

  • Performance Enhancement Training: Performing under pressure is not limited to the elite or professional athlete. Executives must have the “right stuff” in order to make timely decisions and be able to look “around corners” to anticipate business trends and changes in the markets. Through performance enhancement training, the executive learns mental skills which allows him/her to be “at the top” of their game.

Let us show you how ProFormance Consulting can help your organization.

Discover how our services will help improve individual and organizational performance. Contact us for more information and a complimentary 60 minute phone consultation. For more information about how ProFormance Coaching can help meet your needs call 978-922-4404 or click here.